
发布时间:2014-03-07 04:04:01

CyberC 2014: The 6th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery


Shanghai, China, October 9-12, 2014



CyberC promotes research and development of the cyber-related technologies and it is unique and significant that spans through cyber-enabled data mining and knowledge discovery, distributed and parallel computing, cyber security, cloud computing, cyber-based big data (e.g., data sharing), pervasive computing, mobile computing, Internet, wireless networks, cognitive systems, cyber information process, information discovery, e-health via cyber network, e-science, control and intelligence, and network performance and tools. The research and development in these areas have received extensive attention in both the academia and industry to provide ubiquitous services for users. Various hardware and software designs, algorithms, protocols, simulations, and test-bed, and implementations are developed for distributed computing in an interconnected and distributed network environment. The purpose of CyberC is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of innovative ideas, research results, applications and experience from around the world as well as highlight activities in the related areas. 


CyberC 2014 (The sixth CyberC) continues the aim to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of innovative ideas, research results, applications, and experience from around the world as well as highlight activities in the related areas. The conference focuses on all aspects of distributed computing and knowledge mining and their scientific, engineering, and commercial applications. The topics of interests include, but not limited to:

Big Data and Knowledge Discovery

Cyber-based big data architecture, analytical algorithms, and management

Cyber-based big data learning, persistence, social networks, and cross-domain security

Big data cyber-based services, integrity, assurance, and security

Pervasive computing and distributed data system analytical algorithms

Big data streaming, multimedia, network data streaming, or web mining

Data models, systems, architecture, protocols, and languages for data and information discovery

Big data platforms, processing and metrics

Anomaly detection, collaborative threat detection and other services using Big Data Analytics  

Security and information assurance


Mobile and Internet Computing

4G and 5G for future generation communications (WiMAX, LTE, etc)

Smartphone algorithms applications

Clustering, topology control, coverage, and connectivity algorithms

MANET, WSN, DTN, MESH networking theory and algorithms

Handoff/mobility management and seamless internetworking

MAC and network layer protocols, including 802.11, 802.15.4, UWB

Wireless embedded sensor systems, body sensor, new sensing capabilities

Localization and location based services

Cognitive radio and SDR

Multi-channel, multi-radio and MIMO technologies

Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination

Admission control, inference modeling and context aware, cross layer design and optimization

Peer-to-peer network computing and overlaying networks

Directional antenna and networking

FDMA/OFDMA modulations, synchronization, and power optimization

Key, attacking models, privacy, confidentiality, and security

Communication, services, middleware, and multimedia on wireless networks

QoS, reliability, performance, resource management, and communication theory

Wireless network simulations, implementation, and applications

Smart grid, smart healthcare, smart transportation, and social networks using smartphones and sensors


Cloud Computing

Autonomic, real-Time and self-organizing clouds

Architectural models for public and private cloud computing

Cloud resource management and allocation

Utility models and service pricing

New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing

Scientific computation and other applications in the cloud

Automations, intelligence, workflows for cloud computing

Content delivery networks using storage clouds

Escience and Grid applications

Escience workflow management

Web semantics for Escience

Ontologies and databases for Escience

Data and process provenance


Parallel and Distributed Computing

Parallel and distributed algorithms

Robot, Multi-agents, intelligence and control

Resource allocation, load-balance, and management in distributed computing

Grid and cluster computing

Machine learning, reinforcement learning, cyber-physical systems

SOA, Web services, and mobile services

Web-caching, content delivery systems and data distribution systems

Web services and internet computing

Distributed systems and applications, modeling language, and software engineering                         

Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and system integrity, synthesis, intelligence


Performance and User Experience

Performance evaluation, measurement and optimization

Tools, test-bed, simulations, and experimental environments for user experience measurement

Collaborative and cooperative environments

Autonomic, reliability, and fault-tolerance

Authentication, trust, privacy and other security issues

QoS for improve user experience


Important Dates

May 15, 2014 - Conference Paper Submission Deadline

June 15, 2014 - Notification of Acceptance & Registration Starts

August 1, 2014 - Camera-Ready Paper Submission Due & Registration Due


Paper Submission Web: http://edas.info/ by selecting “CyberC 2014”.

Electronic submission to Papers@cyberc.org with title of “CyberC 2014 Submission” is also accepted.

Please DO NOT submit both ways.


All accepted and presented papers, including the workshops’ papers, will be published by IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and are included in the IEEE Xplore database. They will be further arranged for indexing through IEE INSPEC, EI (Compendex), and Thomson ISI. Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, should register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the digital libraries of IEEE Xplore and EI after the conference.


CyberC Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/nasirsyed.utp/


CyberC QQ1625638480



For more information about the conference, please visit www.CyberC.org  or contact us at Papers@CyberC.org. 

电话+1 502 742 9770

