Asia is the world’s largest and the most populous continent, hosting 60% of world’s current human population. Endometriosis is a debilitating disease with an enigmatic pathogenesis. With a prevalence of approximately 10% in women of reproductive age, endometriosis affects much more women in Asia than any other continent in the world and impacts negatively on economy and society.
The First Asian Conference on Endometriosis (ACE I) will be held from October 16 to 17 in Shanghai, China. Organized by the ACE Organization (ACEO) consisting of scientists from China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey, and Shanghai OB/GYN Hospital, this meeting will be the first-ever gathering of Asian scientists and clinicians interested in research in endometriosis, adenomyosis, and endometrial biology.
Echoing the theme of the World EXPO Shanghai 2010, the theme of ACE I is “Better research, Better life”. ACE I now calls for abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The ACE II will be held in Istanbul in 2012.
Confirmed plenary speakers
Dr. Kutay Biberoglu: The impact of IVF on endometriosis
Dr. Young Min Choi: Genetics of endometriosis
Dr. Sun-Wei Guo: The mechanisms of endometriosis-associated pains
Dr. Tasuku Harada: NF-κB and endometriosis
Dr. Sean Tsai: Prostaglandin E2 as the master of endometriosis
- Pathogenesis of endometriosis/adenomyosis
- Novel therapeutics for endometriosis/adenomyosis
- Mechanisms of endometriosis-associated pain
- Endometriosis and fertility
- Epidemiology and economic burdens of endometriosis
- Endometriosis research in China
- Endometriosis research in Japan
- Endometriosis research in Korea