
发布时间:2017-03-09 15:27:58


2017 the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2017) will be held in Xi’an on June 10, 2017, which will provide a platform for all professionals and researchers from industry and academia to present and discuss recent advances in the field of Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Intelligent transport systems vary in technologies applied, from basic management systems to more application systems, information technology also plays tightly with intelligent transportation systems including wireless communication, Computational technologies, floating car data/floating cellular data, sensing technologies, and video vehicle detection; and technologies of intelligent transportation systems also includes topics from theoretic and application topics such as, emergency vehicle notification systems, automatic road enforcement, collision avoidance systems and some cooperative systems. The conference will also foster cooperation among organizations and researchers involved in the merging fields, invite worldwide well-known professors to further explore these topics, and discuss in-depth technical presentations with the presenters. All papers will be reviewed by 3-4 referees and program chairs of the conference committee will draw the decision based on the score of each paper. ITITS 2017 is sponsored by IOS Press, Shaanxi Computer Society and co-sponsored by Chang’an University, Xi’an University of Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, CAS, Shaanxi Sirui Industries Co.,LTD., etc.
All accepted papers will be published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISSN: 0922-6389) and will be submitted for Ei Compendex, more indexing information will be available at http://www.frontiersinai.com/?q=indexing.
Selected Papers will be recommended to
1. Journal of Innovation in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems (ISSN:1327-2314) (Ei-Compendex), Special Editor: Prof. Lakhmi C. Jain. 
2. International Journal of Information Technology and Management (ISSN: 1461-4111) (Ei Compendex), SI: Intelligent Technologies in Modern Industries: Challenges Facing Globalisation and Informatisation
Guest Editors: Fuqian Shi, Nilanjan Dey, Pamela McCauley, Valentina E. Balas
3. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) (1941-6237) (Ei-Compendex), Editor in Chief: Dr. Nilanjan Dey.
Some excellent papers will be recommended to SCI journals.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2017
Notification of Acceptance:May 20, 2017 
Authors' Registration: June 1, 2017
Conference Date: June 10, 2017
所有接受的论文将发表在Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications(IOS Press)(ISSN: 0922-6389),所有论文将提交EI检索。
1. Journal of Innovation in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems (ISSN:1327-2314) (Ei-Compendex), Special Editor: Prof. Lakhmi C. Jain. 
2. International Journal of Information Technology and Management (ISSN: 1461-4111) (Ei Compendex), SI: Intelligent Technologies in Modern Industries: Challenges Facing Globalisation and Informatisation
Guest Editors: Fuqian Shi, Nilanjan Dey, Pamela McCauley, Valentina E. Balas
3. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) (1941-6237) (Ei-Compendex), Editor in Chief: Dr. Nilanjan Dey.
会议联系人: 蒋老师,029-88324241 邮箱:itits@chd.edu.cn


