IEEE通信网络安全会议(IEEE CNS 2014)

发布时间:2014-09-29 13:56:45

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​participation to your local members, friends and colleagues who may be interested.



Call for Participation: CNS’2014--IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security 

Dear Colleagues,

IEEE CNS’2014—IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, will be held October 29-31, 2014 in San Francisco.

2014 CNS features a high-quality technical program, two exciting panels, and four co-located workshops dedicated to emerging topics of cyber security. This year, we are specially honored to have two world-renowned leaders in communications and network security, Prof. Vincent Poor from Princeton University and Prof. Peng Ning of Samsung Corp (on leave from NC State University), to deliver two high impact keynote speeches.

Conference early registration deadline is September 30, 2014.

Hotel reservation cut-off date is October 8, 2014.

Please refer to for more details.

We look forward to seeing you at IEEE CNS’2014 in San Francisco.

IEEE CNS’2014 General Chairs

Cliff Wang, Army Research Office

Guoliang "Larry" Xue, Arizona State University


会议地点San Francisco, CA, USA
主办单位IEEE Communications Society
联系人Sent on Behalf of IEEE CNS 2014 Publicity Co-Chair, Wonjun Lee

